High discipline is the key to success in battle and everyday life. High military discipline is one of the decisive conditions for the combat effectiveness of troops. This is the most important factor that ensures victory on the battlefield.
History does not know a single commander, a major military leader who did not care about strengthening discipline, organization, diligence and order in the army. Discipline is the basis of military skill, courage, heroism and called it the mother of victory.
Why discipline is important for military and sports?
Discipline is a certain order of behavior of people that meets the norms of law and morality that have developed in society. It is also the requirements of a certain organization such as sports organization. According to the spheres of manifestation, it can be divided into state, industrial, public, technical, etc. In sports, you can visit mega-news and see how discipline brings victory in the sports arena.
Military discipline, being a kind of state discipline, has its specifics and features. It corresponds to the purpose of the Armed Forces, the nature and conditions of their activities. Military discipline is the exact and strict observance by all military personnel of the rules and order established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders. It is based on each soldier’s awareness of military duty and personal responsibility for the defense of his Motherland, on his personal devotion to his people.
Defence Technology: Military discipline obliges every soldier
- Be faithful to the military oath.
- Perform your military duty with skill and courage, conscientiously study military affairs, protect military and state property.
- Endure steadfastly the hardships of military service. Do not spare your life to fulfill your military duty.
- Be vigilant, strictly guard military and state secrets.
- Maintain the rules of relations between the military cadres established by military regulations, to strengthen the military partnership.
- Show respect to commanders and each other, observe the rules of military salute and military courtesy
- Behave with dignity in public places, prevent yourself and others from indecent acts. You help protect the honor and dignity of citizens.
These profound and clear statutory provisions reflect the entire spectrum of requirements for a soldier from the state and the people. A deep understanding by all soldiers of the importance of exact and strict fulfilment of statutory requirements makes military discipline particularly strong.