How SEO Matters To Defense Contractors

Fighter Plane


Defense contractors who master the fundamentals of program optimization can improve their ability to be found online, increase awareness, reduce marketing costs and compound the advantages over the long run.

For those defense contractors who want to extend awareness with prospective customers, contract partners, or potential employees, one of the best, most cost-effective things to try and do is ensure that their online presence is correctly optimized for search engines.

In the period of time of the web (i.e. the recent past) many perceived program optimization as a cross between magic and sorcery.

Previously, by “fooling” the search engines with various on-page tricks like keyword stuffing, SEO tactics included trying to game the system of search engine algorithms. Similarly, buying links from other (generally shady) sites are included in off-page tactics. Within the SEO world, this approach is noted as “black hat SEO.”


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However, with the maturity and class of algorithms, it’s now become nearly impossible to fool search engines. The introduction of Google updates like Panda and Penguin has prompted many business journalists and bloggers to liken the updates to Google driving a wooden stake through the guts of shady black hat SEO tactics.

Consequently, search engines are now penalizing those sites that try to optimize for search engine algorithms instead of people.

Search engine optimization can still be somewhat technical and overwhelming to several. Fortunately, SEO software company SEOmoz has developed a wonderful primer for that unaccustomed SEO or who want to higher understand what their webmaster or marketing agency, like link building services by top vendor, are talking about because it relates to search engine optimization.

One of the foremost important SEO concepts to know is that it’s not a process that will be easily bolted onto an existing website without plenty of retrofitting. SEO is an integrative process like total quality management (TQM) that has to be included during a website’s design, construction, and each update.

If your SEO is like TQM you will be OK.